Juice Products


By establishing and maintaining exceptional levels of quality in our operations, production, and packaging processes, we’re committed to producing premium products that meet exacting international standards.

Asure Quality - Kaitiaki Kai logo

Deemed Food Control Plan (DFCP) – Verification by AsureQuality

JP-NZ are recognised to be compliant with the New Zealand Food Act 2014 and subsequent amendments. The Deemed Food Control Plan applies to the scope of operations for the processing and packaging of fruit and vegetable juices, juice concentrates and purees.

BioGro Certification Verification logo

BioGro New Zealand – Certificate Compliance as Processor and Exporter

We have systems in place to receive organic raw materials and production processes to make products that meet the criteria for organic status. Being accredited by BioGro New Zealand also means we meet the following standards and /or have market access for Contract Processing of Fruit & Vegetable Juices and Juice concentrates; Contract Processing of Fruit and Vegetable Purees; and Export of Fruit and Vegetable Juices, Juice Concentrates and Purees indicated below: BioGro Organic; IFOAM; MPI OOAP-USDA NOP (Organic); MPI OOAP- Taiwan; COR

JAS - BioGro New Zealand logo

BioGro New Zealand –JAS Certification

Our production facility and processes have met the requirements of the BioGro Organic Standards (refer to above qualification), they have also met Japanese Agricultural Standards and JAS Technical Criteria, listed below:

– Notification No. 1606 for agricultural processed products of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of October 27,2005.

– Notification No. 1831 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of 25 November, 2005.

Kosher Kiwi Licensing Authority New Zealand logo

Kosher Kiwi Licensing Authority New Zealand – Certificate of Kashrut

Our factory and products have been inspected by the Orthodox Rabbinate of New Zealand and have been confirmed to be Kosher and Parve, meaning those of the Jewish faith can consume our products as they meet the requirements of their faith.

Ministery for Primary Industries logo

Ministry of Primary Industries

Notice of Registration

Juice Products New Zealand Limited pursuant to the MPI Official Organic Assurance Programme are registered as an ORGANIC EXPORTER.

Registration Certificate The certificate is issued as an official assurance for the purpose of registration of non-animal derived food products with the Thai Food and Drug Administration and that JP-NZ operates a quality assurance programme that is equivalent to Thailand’s Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements for frozen foods exported to Thailand.
The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) logo

The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) - Halal Certification

Our products meet the requirements of the Halal assurance programme, meaning those of Muslim faith are able to consume our products as our processing practices do not contain any forbidden ingredients and food safety requirements are met.

SQF Institute logo

SQF Accredited

JP-NZ is proud to operate under SQF HACCP based standard for control of food quality and food safety, which is Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognised. Its scope of certification covers site and product-specific Ministry of Primary Industry – Registered Food Control Plan.

JP-NZ has a registered customised food control plan pursuant to section 59 of the Food Act 2014.

Our Food control plan is designed to identify, control, manage and eliminate hazards or other relevant factors for the purpose of achieving safe and suitable food, and is based on the principles of HACCP.

New Zealand Horticulture Export Authority

New Zealand Horticulture Export Authority – Export Licence Certificate

JP-NZ in accordance with the New Zealand Horticulture Export Authority Act 1987, have been issued an Export Licence Certifcate for Blackcurrants.